I have a guilty pleasure for watching Gi and Tom Fletcher on youtube and I love the whole 'Dear Carrie' aspect to their videos and it got me thinking, what if I were to address my blog to the person I love the most; and Dear Maisie was born.
Maisie has influenced a lot of my life choices since she was born in December '15, first of those choice being to start writing a blog so I thought what better way to show my love and appreciation for my little lady than to include her in the thing I love to do.
Dear Maisie blog will not change too much from seeingingreyscale although it will be a lot more active and I will, without fail have a new blog post up every single Tuesday. I feel that now my blog is looking extra beautiful, fresh and new - I will get that fresh project excitement all over again.
Sorry for the super silly ramble but I wanted to address this change and let you all know what's going on in my wild mind. I can't wait to see which direction this blog goes in and maybe, just maybe a youtube channel is on the horizon.
Please follow my instagram @dear_maisie to stay up to date with me and my blog and also please feel free to like my facebook page @dearmaisie. Thank you for everyone who has supported me up until this point and I hope you love the change as much as me and continue to read <3

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