I wanted to take some time to write a bit more about me - I wanted people to learn many of the weird and some of the wonderful things about me so I took to a few beauty groups I am part of on Facebook and asked some of the gorgeous members to ask me some questions so here we go;
Q:What are your hobbies?
A:I love going for long dog walks of a morning - I like to start the day as I mean to go on (not really a hobby). I love sitting and playing with makeup, I could literally do it forever. I actually really enjoying sewing and doing cross stitches to unwind but they can easily frustrate me.
Q:Favourite skin care product?
A:I absolutely adore the Liz Earle hot cloth cleanser. My sister-in-law recently introduced me to it and I fell head-over-heels after the first use, I'm hooked. Thanks Clare!
Q:What are your makeup must haves?
A:A good black felt tip eyeliner. I couldn't live without a true black felt tip liner pen. I adore a cat eye with some fluffy lashes!
Q:Biggest idol in the makeup world?
A:I ADORE Jaclyn Hill. Her makeup, her personality, her everything is just incredible. She is so down to earth on her videos and her makeup is always amazing. I need to get my hands on her morphe palette just incase it can make me look a slight bit like her - I'll die happy knowing i've used something she worked to create.
Q:Favourite place you've been abroad and why?
A:When I was 18 I went to Barbados with my mum and it was amazing. I loved the island, it was so beautiful and idilic - it was literally like something you'd see on a postcard describing paradise. The weather was amazing, the food was good and it was just an amazing experience.
Q:What is your favourite food?
A:I love pasta, I could eat it til it comes out my ears. I love making spicy Arabiatta sauce from scratch with meatballs and pasta - amazing. If I couldn't have pasta, I would have to say Steak.
Q:Do you have any children?
A:Yes, I have a daughter called Maisie and she is 1.
Q:How young is too young for makeup?
A:I started wearing makeup (mascara, eyeliner) when I was about 13 and I constantly used to fall asleep in it or not wash it all off properly and I broke out a lot. I think if Maisie asked me if she could wear makeup at that age, I wouldn't say no, but I'd ensure she had a good skin cleansing routine in place to help look after her delicate skin. I'd hope she'd stay awake from makeup for as long as possible but we shall see when the time comes.
Q:If you could be any animal, what would you be?
A:I'd probably be a dog; think of all the long walks and cuddles and pampering you would get - bliss.
Q:What do you fear most about Maisie growing up?
A:My biggest fear about Maisie growing up is that she'll have her heart broken. I love Maisie with every bone I have in my body and the thought of someone ever hurting my baby, hurts me. I can't imagine seeing her hurting.
Q:What do you do to treat yourself - beauty wise?
A:I love having my HD brows done, my brow tech Sarah is AMAZING and my brows always look so good after they've been done - I need them doing asap quite honestly.
Q:Do people compliment your makeup a lot?
A:When I'm at home, no cause I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is oblivious to everything I do to my face but when I go shopping a lot of people stop and ask me if I've had my makeup professionally done, or they will ask me where my lip/ eye colour is from. It's nice that my makeup gets noticed.
Q:If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A:I'd probably have said somewhere hot and exotic if you'd have asked me a few years ago, but now I would have to say Florida. I'd love love love to take Maisie to disney land to meet all the princesses and different characters but I could also take the opportunity to slip into Sephora for an hour or 10 and shop til I collapsed.
Q:Do you suffer from any mental health issues?
A:I do not have any clinical mental health issues as such. When I was younger. my parents got divorced and I built up quite a lot of anger and had to have anger management counseling when I was around 14. Now, when I get angry, I cry instead of hitting things. I suffer quite badly (in my mind) with OCD and it makes me feel sick when things are out of place. I could spend my whole day organising and It would still not be right.
Q:If you could own one thing in the world, regardless of its price, what would it be?
A:I would love to own my own 5 or 6 bedroom house out in the countryside, surrounded by fields. I'd just love a large family home for my own little family to grow up in. I'd like Maisie to have brothers and sisters for definite and I'd like it if my children didn't have to share a bedroom. In an ideal world eh.
Q: What do you do on a lazy day?
A:Since having Maisie, I haven't really had a lazy day because I'm rushed off my feet with her, cleaning my house and cooking dinner but, my ideal lazy day would be; a lie in til about 9:30, streaky bacon sandwiches and a ice cold glass of water then i'd go have a shower and put on something super comfy and probably sit in bed all wrapped up watched the films I love the most.
Q:Do you have any phobias?
A:I hate hate hate spiders and other small insects like them. I have a severe fear of small spaces which can make doing certain things (especially foreign sight seeing) sometimes very hard but I know how to keep myself calm which helps a lot. I have a big phobia of losing Maisie or Dave and that worries me a lot (I have no reason to lose them so it's silly to worry, but I still can't help it)
Q:Do you have any piercings/ tattoos?
A:Yes, I have both. I have my ears pierced once on both ears and a second time on my left ear only. I have my tragus pierced on my right ear also. I've had a lot more piercings in the past but i've taken them out for various reasons. Tattoo wise I have a bird, roses and 2 bumble bees on the top of my left thigh, a ornate gun tattoo on my right ribs, a small moon on my right ankle and a heart on my right bum cheek!
Q:Which is best, bacon or gammon?
A: It has to be bacon, but only if its streaky and crispy as hell!
Q:Toilet roll over or under?
A:Over!!! Everyone in my house puts it under and it makes me want to strangle them all, argh!
Q:Which is best, bacon or gammon?
A: It has to be bacon, but only if its streaky and crispy as hell!
Q:Toilet roll over or under?
A:Over!!! Everyone in my house puts it under and it makes me want to strangle them all, argh!
Q:Name three makeup products you really want to try
A:At the moment I have a lot of products I'd like to try but i'd say my top three are;
- Some Doll beauty lashes - they look so full and fluffy and are really well priced
- The urban decay naked concealer or the tarte shape tape concealer
- Some Kylie Cosmetics products. I like the Kardashian/ Jenners but I haven't really jumped on the bandwagon of buying her products but I would like to see what the fuss is all about.
Well, I hope this post helped you get to know me a little better, although it's a strange way to get to know someone!
Please let me know if there's anything in particular you would like to see me write about and I'll do my best!

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