If you read my previous lip filler blog post, you will know that on Friday 17th I had 1ml of Restylane lip fillers (if you want to read about my experience, please read my previous post). I have now had my fillers a week and all swelling has gone. I thought I'd take the opportunity to tell you everything I think someone who is interested in lip fillers needs to know!
Please excuse the fact I am pale as hell, I haven't tanned! |
How long did the swelling take to go down?
My swelling took about 4/5 days to disappear completely. The worst part of the swelling stayed for the first day and then my lips began to really settle. I can now see a huge difference between my lips before the fillers, during and after. I do notice that my lips look a lot more full but I personally don't think my lips look like they've been done.
7 days after lip fillers - all swelling has gone from my lips |
Did you find the whole experience of lip fillers pleasant?
Yes, I found the whole experience of lips fillers to be very pleasant. Although day one was very uncomfortable, I didn't feel as though I was in pain at any point.
Are you happy with the way your lips look now, compared to before?
Yes! I love my lips now. I feel like my lips are nice and full without looking like I've pumped them up big time. My lips in my opinion look naturally full and I'm super happy with the results Hannah from the Aesthetic lounge, Walsall (details linked in previous post) has managed to give me. Lip fillers have given me the confidence I needed. I feel a lot more 'complete' now I have my fillers - before I was quite paranoid about how uneven my lips were and now I feel like my lips are perfect. Although a lot of people have said they look funny and they're very fake blahblah, I adore them.
Would you have lip fillers again?
Yes, I would. I found the whole experience to be amazing and despite the fact I have nice lips beforehand, I'm even more happy with my lips now. (I don't have to pout in photos anymore! But I still do....).
Would you recommend lip fillers to anyone?
100%. If you aren't happy with your lips, whether they're too small, not very full, they have no shape - I would highly recommend fillers. I personally cannot recommend Hannah enough - she was able to accentuate my lips in the most natural way possible and I'm so grateful she didn't leave me looking like a puffer-fish!!
Sorry for the super short post but I wanted to do a little update of how my lips look now compared to when they were first done. I hope you have found my experience interesting and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment or send me a message on Instagram @seeingingreyscale.
Side note - my lashes are from Doll Beauty (I'm doing a blog post showing all the different styles because I adore them!) and they are the style 'Jasmine'.
I hope to get a new post up for you all asap and maybe my first every youtube video? Watch this space

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