Firstly, Sorry for being absent for sooooo long!! Oh my lord, how has it been over a year since I last sat down to write up a blogpost? I cannot believe it's been so long yet it has flown by.
I am especially sorry to the lovely people who read my blog and have messaged me to ask where I have been - I am here and I do really want to write more often.
I am hoping to get a blog post up once a week, at least - watch me run out of content in 3 weeks time (oops).
So, What have you missed - it's not much;
In 2018,
- We moved house
- We had some lovely family days out and enjoyed quality time together
- We finally got a diagnosis for Maisie - I will be writing more about this and her journey soon
- We welcomed our gorgeous Nephew, Charlie, in September
- We had a lovely family Christmas and I cooked my first large scale Christmas dinner
- Maisie turned 3
What can you expect from me?
- mom life (obviously)
- mini makeup posts/ skincare/ tanning - you name it!
-Hauls? Do people like these, cause I do?
-Outfit diaries - seasonal perhaps?
-life updates
Please, I need your help - If you specifically want to see anything from me - let me know!! I love to sit and write and I want this to be my little haven again because quite frankly, I have missed having a space to ramble about anything and everything.
I am also attempting to be a lot more active over on my Instagram @Dear_Maisie and over on my Facebook page so please do give me a follow to stay up-to-date with me.
Here's to more content and regular posting (pray for me!)
Beckie x

I'd love to see more fashion posts from you! I love your sense of style and would love to know how you co-ordinate your wardrobe!! Xx